Chicken Broth with Dumplings

This fridge raid chicken broth is absolutely fantastic at using up what ever veg you have in your fridge! Literally whack it all in! A good base of this would be carrots, celery and onions. But honestly, experiment! Below is what I used for this particular one. But think of it more as guidelines than laws! 

And the bread dumplings, so easy to make yet so delicious! 

The Italian seasoning in this recipe can be switched for mixed herbs.

To serve to my little lady, I mashed the veg into a lumpy paste, shredded the chicken, sliced the dumplings into cubes and served with a little broth in the bottom of her bowl. 

Ensure your chicken is fully cooked at the end by probing it, it should reach 75⁰c or higher. If it's still not cooked, leave it for an additional 10 minutes. 



3/4 large carrots
Bunch of spring onions 
1 head of broccoli 
1ltr low salt chicken stock
2 tsp Italian herbs
2 bay leaves 
Chicken thighs (I used 1kg) 
Grinding of black pepper


3-4 pieces of thick bread
2 eggs
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning 
Grinding of black pepper 

How to do

Roughly chop your veg, depends if you want it diced or chunky, the world is your oyster! Go with what you prefer. 

De-skin the chicken thighs but keep the bones in, this will add depth of flavour to the stock.

Simply chuck all the ingredients in and pop on a simmer on a medium heat for 15 minutes. 

To make the bread dumplings, de crust the bread and cut into 1cm cubes. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl and whisk with the herbs and some black pepper. 

Pour in the cubed bread and use your hands to really squish it all together. It should resemble some kind of thick paste. Leave to one side until the 15 minutes are up. 

Give the broth a little stir to make sure everything is cooking evenly, then roll the dumplings into rough balls and pop in the broth.

Cook for a further 20 minutes until the dumplings have firmed up. Roll them over half way through cooking. 

And you're done! 


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