£12 or Under Roast Dinner

This fed 3 adults, 1 little and a portion leftover.
I would say comfortably, It would feed 3 adults and 2 older babies/ toddlers.

This is £12 for the whole shop. I would break it down to the cost of each portion and food used. But it's 8pm and I'm tired. Also, I find these a little misleading. As yes, the meals are cheap per head but you still need to buy the whole items. Unfortunately I can't buy 240g of flour, they come in 500g or 1kg. 

This plan is on the basis of you having veg/ sunflower oil, black pepper and your wonderful self. The rest is included in the shopping below 

I also opted for chicken drumsticks in this recipe as myself and my partner prefer the darker meat of chicken than a breast. Thus it made more sense for us to go for the most affordable option than buy a whole chicken we simply wouldn't have enjoyed 50% of! 

Morrisons as of 09/2024 (promotions not included, price match to Aldi/ Lidl items are as this is a long spanning promotion by major retailers)

1 kg chicken drumsticks - £1.99
2 kg white potatoes - £1.45
1 kg carrots - £0.69
200g Morrisons savers green beans - £0.77
85g Morrisons sage and onion stuffing - £0.55
2 pints full fat milk - £1.20
6 medium eggs - £1.50
Bisto reduced salt chicken gravy granules - £2.79
500g Morrisons plain flour - £0.53
Morrisons savers lard - £0.47

Total cost - £11.94

Our roast didn't include carrots but rather half a head of broccoli and cauliflower. As, this is what I had in the fridge! If anything this is more of a guide on what to get, the meat and vegetables are fully interchangable. Additionally, if you already have gravy in your cupboard, milk in your fridge, cross them off the list and save yourself a couple of quid!

So this post isn't an encyclopedia worth of words, I'm going to split it up and separately post my Yorkshire and roasties recipes. As they deserve their own recognition! 

The veg, I steamed with a saucepan steamer until I was able to mush it between my fingers. Around 10-12 minutes. This is to make it BLW safe. If you're just cooking for adults, feel free to have more crunch! 

I would recommend googling how long to steam/ boil the veg for if you're unsure and I usually add about another 5 mins onto this to make it baby safe. 

The chicken, I laid in a tray, drizzled with oil and grinding of black pepper. I normally cook my drumsticks on 180⁰c for roughly 25-30 mins. Until when probed, it is 75⁰c and above and the skin is lovely and crispy. 

The thing I love about meat on the bone, it is incredibly hard to overcook! But if you're ever unsure, slice the meat open and press down, any liquid oozing from it should be clear/ slightly yellow. This is a good indicator it is cooked! 



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